
IFLA Europe, april 2021

2020 Pecha Kucha from FFP France « Footprints in Landscape » Landscape Architect is a key player in land development. Landscape Architects are at the crossroads of several disciplines to transform cities and territories. Their specificity consists in taking into account all the components of the site (geography, history, uses, natural environment, culture…) to design a global, coherent and balanced project. Landscape Architect’s vision has evolved over the years. In the 1980s, Landscape Architects were especially interested in the form in general, ground as a support, materials and layout, furniture … They planted little and ecological issues remained marginal. These questions, driven by a social demand for more “nature in the city”, are developing at the same time as the awareness of the nature-based solutions benefits that provide multiple services. Landscape architects are now positioning themselves on these today major issues. While relying on the specific characteristics of each site, they have had to provide answers to crucial issues such as climate change, natural risks, soil artificialisation, quality of living environment, loss of biodiversity. They provided answers to implement the ecological transition of cities in a coherent project: – by developing ecological and frugal solutions, adapted to the site at no extra economic cost: adapted plantations, fertile soils, fight against waterproofing (sponge gardens) – by structuring soft mobilities and shared circulation. The three projects presented illustrate these very current and sometimes prospective approaches that implement sustainable solutions adapted to the urban environment while giving them a harmonious form. For full 2020 Pecha Kucha from France please visit 2020 Pecha Kucha FFP France   S’abonner à la Newsletter de l’IFLA Europe : ICI

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